Kategooria: Reisikirjad
2017 aasta


Rahva Raamat
Embark on a profound journey through the pages of "Erakuelu: Eestlaste Kloostrikogemusi," a captivating exploration of the spiritual quests and monastic lives of Estonians who have sought enlightenment across the globe. This book is not just a collection of stories; it is a window into the souls of individuals who turned to faith, seeking answers and solace in the serene embrace of monastic life.

As you delve into the personal narratives, you'll discover the diverse paths that led these seekers to the cloistered world. What sparked their transformation? What beliefs do they hold dear? Uncover the reasons behind their pilgrimage to monasteries and what treasures of the spirit they unearthed within those sacred walls. Experience their challenges, their emotional journeys, and the growth that unfolded as they navigated the delicate balance between seclusion and the external world.

The tapestry of experiences is rich and varied, touching upon Buddhism, yoga, the Hare Krishna movement, and Orthodoxy. Martti Kalda, with his insightful commentary, enriches the narrative by shedding light on the religious contexts that frame these stories.

Moreover, "Erakuelu" offers you a unique perspective on the architectural and historical significance of monasteries and hermitages. It takes you behind the scenes to reveal the daily rhythms, the order that governs monastic life, and the intricate web of human relationships within these spiritual havens.

Whether you're a seeker yourself or simply curious about the monastic experience, this book promises to enlighten and inspire. It's a journey that will resonate with your own quest for meaning, inviting you to reflect on the profound connections between the inner life and the world at large.