Hullumeelsed ja geniaalsed aastad

Hullumeelsed ja geniaalsed aastad "Top Geari" telgitagustes

Autor: Richard Porter

Kirjastus: VARRAK

Kategooria: Meedia ja meelelahutus
2016 aasta


Rahva Raamat
Dive into the exhilarating world of one of television's most iconic car shows with "Hullumeelsed ja geniaalsed aastad 'Top Geari' telgitagustes". Penned by the insider and former script editor Richard Porter, this memoir offers a riveting look behind the scenes of the BBC's "Top Gear" during its golden era.

From its humble beginnings in 2002 to its climactic finale in 2015, Porter was at the helm, crafting the narrative alongside the legendary trio of Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May. Together, they transformed a modest car program into an Emmy-awarded juggernaut that captivated audiences worldwide.

In this book, Porter recounts the mayhem and genius that permeated the production. Witness the on-set calamities that never made it to the screen, far more hilarious than the broadcasted stunts. Learn about the off-camera antics that led to diplomatic incidents, the destruction of countless cars, and near-death experiences—all in the name of entertainment.

Porter's narrative is a testament to the unscripted moments that made "Top Gear" an international sensation. From monkeys behind the wheel to airborne vehicles, this book is a must-read for fans eager to understand the magic that made the show a cultural phenomenon.

As a seasoned veteran of the "Top Gear" team, Porter's insights offer a unique perspective on what it was like to work on a show that inadvertently became a global sensation. His stories are not just about the cars and the stunts, but about the people, the places, and the sheer unpredictability of working on one of the most successful television shows of all time.

Whether you're a die-hard "Top Gear" aficionado or simply love a good tale of creativity and chaos, "Hullumeelsed ja geniaalsed aastad 'Top Geari' telgitagustes" is an exhilarating ride through the world of automotive entertainment. Don't miss the chance to buckle up and enjoy the journey behind the cameras of this legendary series.