Etikett ja head kombed kogu perele

Etikett ja head kombed kogu perele

Autor: Erika Kolbakov

Kirjastus: BSH OÜ

Kategooria: Elustiil ja kombed
2023 aasta


Rahva Raamat
Dive into the world of manners and etiquette with Erika Kolbakov's insightful guide, "Etikett ja head kombed kogu perele." This book is a treasure trove of knowledge for individuals and families alike, aiming to foster a future built on respect, understanding, and social grace.

Drawing from a decade of experience in etiquette training, Kolbakov has encountered a myriad of bright-eyed and bushy-tailed youngsters, each with their unique blend of enthusiasm and trepidation. These encounters have not only shaped the content of this book but also underscored the necessity for a comprehensive etiquette manual that serves the entire family.

"Etikett ja head kombed kogu perele" is particularly crafted with parents in mind, empowering them with the wisdom to guide their children towards fulfilling and well-mannered lives. Kolbakov's goal is to provide you with the foundational blocks for building a future where dreams are within easy reach, and etiquette plays a crucial role in achieving them.

Within these pages, you'll find essential knowledge that paves the way to healthier relationships and a more meaningful life, brimming with joy. It's Kolbakov's firm belief that once we find contentment and happiness within ourselves, we can contribute to a more pleasant society.

Kolbakov invites you on a journey to a world where impeccable manners, respectful relationships, and unwavering morals are the norm. While you may not find answers to all your questions in this book, you will undoubtedly find direction and fresh inspiration. Remember, learning etiquette is an investment that enriches your entire life.

Embrace the opportunity to enhance your family's social skills with "Etikett ja head kombed kogu perele" and take a step towards a more respectful and harmonious world.