Kirjastus: KOOLIBRI

Kategooria: Abimaterjalid algkoolile
2019 aasta


Rahva Raamat
Hetkel pole saadaval
6.95€ / 6.60€
Dive into the world of numbers, colors, and brainteasers with "Arvuta, Värvi, Nuputa. 2. KL", a delightful collection designed specifically for second-grade students who revel in the joy of calculation, reading, puzzle-solving, and coloring. This book is a treasure trove of activities that are intricately linked to the months of the year, traditional folk calendar events, proverbs, and heartwarming wishes.

As you embark on this engaging journey, you'll discover that the solutions to these puzzles are not just straightforward. They can run in various directions: from left to right or right to left, top to bottom or bottom to top, and even clockwise or counterclockwise. This design ensures that your problem-solving skills are challenged and honed in a fun and interactive way.

The puzzles and coloring exercises in this book require your undivided attention and careful reading of the entire text. Before you unleash your creativity with colors, it's recommended to jot down the first letters of the color names next to the images and double-check your solutions against the text. This methodical approach not only enhances your understanding but also ensures accuracy in your work.

What's more, some of these puzzles come with multiple correct answers, fostering an environment ripe for discussion and collaborative thinking. Whether you're looking to supplement classroom learning or seeking additional practice at home, "Arvuta, Värvi, Nuputa. 2. KL" is an excellent resource that promises to make learning an adventure.

So, grab your pencils and let your imagination soar with this unique collection that blends education with entertainment, tailored just for you, the curious and creative second-grader!